петак, 6. децембар 2013.

Network Trening Centar

Network Trening Centar

Svakom je jasno, u vremenu u kome živimo, da je nepohodnost stalnog usavršavanja i unapređivanja stečenog znanja, najveći izazov za svakog zaposlenog.
Internet, nove IKT tehnologije, Cloud Computing, korišćenje društvenih mreža u poslovne svrhe, postale su generator novih radnih mesta za kompetentne stručnjake. IKT tehnologije i njihova implementacija, u svim vrstama privrednih subjekata, danas je nužnost, a ne potreba.

Network Trening Centar je pravi odgovor na ovako složene zahteve. Koncipiran je tako, da stvori uslove da se svaki polaznik potpuno osposobi da, kroz praktične i složene vežbe, usvoji i prepozna rešavanje složenih problema i usavrši analitičke veštine.
Kroz jasne i praktične vežbe, postižu se zadati ciljevi:  kako instalirati, upravljati i održavati složene mrežne sisteme. Ovakav pristup, daje polaznicima sveobuhvatna znanja o vrstama i načinima umrežavanja, u rangu od osnovnih, do naprednih aplikacija i servisa. Takođe, ovo omogućava budućim polaznicima, da se pripreme za konstantnu edukaciju i profesionalnu karijeru u IKT segmentu.

Trening lab je zasnovan na opremi Cisco Systems, i sadrži: Cisco UCS C22 M3 server, CISCO2801-AC-IP, Cisco WS-C3560-12PC-S, Cisco WS-C2950-24, ASA5510-BUN-K9. Program Network Trening Centra omogućava sticanje praktičnih znanja za polaganje ispita CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional), kako Switching & Routing, tako i Security sadržaji. Osim programski određenih treninga za mrežne profesionalce, Network Trening Centar ima i fleksibilnost da zainteresovanim kompanijama ponudi potpuno prilagođenje treninge, njihovim potrebama i zahtevima.
Detaljniji upiti i inofmacije na mail info[at]linkompc.com, ili na telefon +381 11 414 03 01.

уторак, 19. новембар 2013.

”Linkom-PC” organizuje tehničke prezentacije “Casa Systems” rešenja

”Linkom-PC” organizuje tehničke prezentacije “Casa Systems” rešenja

“Casa Systems CMTS” (“Cable Modem Termination System)” rešenja predstavljaju tehnologiju, koja objedinjuje funkcionalnosti za video-over-MPEG i video-over-IP, u samo jednoj platformi, koja je po ceni daleko niža, u poređenju sa prethodnim tehnologijama, kažu u kompaniji “Linkom PC”.

Ovakvo objedinjavanje tehnologija obezbeđuje samo jednu platformu za upravljanje HFC spektra i resursa za sve digitalne usluge, kao i jednostavan prelazak sa jedne na drugu arhitekturu, i to bez skupih troškova nadogradnje.
“Casa Systems CMTS” rešenja omogućavaju sve funkcionalne komponente potrebne za: digital broadcast, digital simucast, switched digital video, kao i unicast usluge.
“Linkom PC”, Beograd, poseduje demo uređaj “Casa Systems”, model C3200, i organizuje tehičke workshop prezentacije, za zainteresovane korisnike. Više informacija na mail info@linkompc.com.

среда, 16. октобар 2013.

Casa Systems C100G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C100G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


CCAP is here!  Casa’s C100G next generation, highly available, fully redundant, I-CCAP platform enables MSOs to deploy MPEG video, IPTV, and DOCSIS over a single port.  The C100G delivers the industry’s highest CCAP density while consuming the lowest average power per channel, minimizing both expenses and space requirements in the cable head end.
The C100G platform consists of the following new modules: downstream module (DS8X96); switching module (SMM8X10G); and the existing upstream module (US16X4).  With the introduction of this platform, Casa continues to lead the way by providing solutions with the greatest capacity in the industry.  The platform currently supports over 8,000 downstream channels. This platform solution, combined with Casa’s time-tested and unique Software Defined Cable Architecture (SDCA) allows the company to quickly adapt to new features and functionality.


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels
The C100G has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.
Highest Channel Density
 The C100 Gcan support over 8000 downstream or over 1500 upstream QAM channels in a single chassis. This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.
Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features The C100G has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set of any 13 RU chassis on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic and upstream traffic.
The C100G revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform.

Casa Systems C100G


  • Full CCAP functionality ina integrated platform
  • Highly available, fully redundant
  • Industry leading density and capacity
  • Supports over 8000 downstream channels in a single platform 
  • Enables Digital Video, IPTV, and DOCSIS with a single platformle 
  • The highest channel density per 13RU space in the industry with the lowest power consumption per channel
  • Delivers the best Total Cost of Ownership in the industry

Casa Systems C10G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C10G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


The Casa Systems C10G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) combines a third-generation Data Over Cable Interface Service Specification (DOCSIS) system into one powerful 12RU platform.
Offer More Must-Have Services at a Lower Cost With its DOCSIS 3.0 capabilities, the C10G provides increased flexibility and downstream density at a dramatically lower cost per channel than the first two generations of DOCSIS devices. It’s also more cost-effective for handling the high-bandwidth applications today’s subscribers demand (e.g. IPTV and video-over-IP delivery).


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels Unlike the traditional CMTS, which has a fixed downstream-to-upstream ratio, the C10G has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.
Higher Channel Density The C10G can support up to 704 downstream or 704 upstream QAM channels in a single 12RU chassis. This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.
Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features The C10G has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic (64 channels) and upstream traffic (64 channels). It is fully compliant with CableLabs DOCSIS 3.0 specification and offers advanced AES encryption and IPv6 support.
The C10G’s revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform. The C10G’s flexibility eliminates the deployment of costly parallel systems for IPTV bypass and DOCSIS broadband access.

Casa Systems C10G


  • Channel bonding up to 64 downstream and 64 upstream channels
  • AES encryption and IPv6 support for cable modems
  • The highest channel density per 12RU space in the industry
  • Separate downstream and upstream modules for flexible downstream-to-upstream ratios
  • DOCSIS DRFI specification qualified for multi-channel QAM output, and designed with extended frequency range up to 1 Ghz
  • The lowest cost per channel in the industry

Casa Systems C3200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C3200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


The Casa Systems C3200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) combines a third-generation Data Over Cable Interface Service Specification (DOCSIS) system into one powerful 3RU platform.
Representing a new class of cable edge device, the C3200 is the first 3RU platform to earn full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 specification from CableLabs.
Offer More Must-Have Services at a Lower Cost
With its DOCSIS 3.0 capabilities, the C3200 provides increased flexibility and downstream density at a dramatically lower cost per channel than the first two generations of DOCSIS devices. It’s also more cost-effective for handling the high-bandwidth applications today’s subscribers demand (e.g. IPTV and video-over-IP delivery).


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels
Unlike the traditional CMTS, which has a fixed downstream-to-upstream ratio, the C3200 has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.
Higher Channel Density
The C3200 can support up to 80 downstream or 80 upstream QAM channels in a single 3RU chassis. (In contrast, the comparable second-generation CMTS typically handles only three to six downstream channels.) This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.

Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features

The C3200 has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set of any 3RU CMTS on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic (16 channels) and upstream traffic (16 channels). Qualified by CableLabs as a full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 platform, it also offers advanced AES encryption and IPv6 support.
The C3200′s revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform. The C3200′s flexibility eliminates the deployment of costly parallel systems for IPTV bypass and DOCSIS broadband access.

Casa Systems C3200


  • Channel bonding up to 16 downstream and 16 upstream channels
  • AES encryption and IPv6 support for cable modems
  • The highest channel density per 3RU space in the industry
  • Separate downstream and upstream modules for flexible downstream-to-upstream ratios
  • DOCSIS DRFI specification qualified for multi-channel QAM output, and designed with extended frequency range up to 1 Ghz
  • The lowest cost per channel in the industry

понедељак, 1. јул 2013.

Casa Systems C2200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C2200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


The Casa Systems C2200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) combines a third-generation Data Over Cable Interface Service Specification (DOCSIS) system into one powerful 1RU platform.
Representing a new class of cable edge device, the C2200 is the first 1RU platform to earn full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 specification from CableLabs.

Offer More Must-Have Services at a Lower Cost

With its DOCSIS 3.0 capabilities, the C2200 provides increased flexibility and downstream density at a dramatically lower cost per channel than the first two generations of DOCSIS devices. It’s also more cost-effective for handling the high-bandwidth applications today’s subscribers demand (e.g. IPTV and video-over-IP delivery).
Casa Systems c2200 docsis 3 0 series CMTS


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels

Unlike the traditional CMTS, which has a fixed downstream-to-upstream ratio, the C2200 has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.

Higher Channel Density

The C2200 can support up to 48 downstream or 48 upstream QAM channels in a single chassis. (In contrast, the comparable second-generation CMTS typically handles only one or two downstream channels.) This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.

Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features

The C2200 has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set of any 1RU chassis on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic (16 channels) and upstream traffic (16 channels). Qualified by CableLabs as a full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 platform, it also offers advanced AES encryption
The C2200′s revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform. The C2200′s flexibility eliminates the deployment of costly parallel systems for IPTV bypass and DOCSIS broadband access.


  • Channel bonding up to 16 downstream and 16 upstreamchannels
  • AES encryption for cable modems
  • The highest channel density per 1RU space in the industry
  • Separate downstream and upstream modules for flexible downstream-to-upstream ratios
  • DOCSIS DRFI specification qualified for multi-channel QAM output, and designed with extended frequency range up to 1 Ghz
  • The lowest cost per channel in the industry

понедељак, 24. јун 2013.

Casa Systems C1G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C1G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


The Casa Systems C1G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) is a new class of cable edge device that implements all of the DOCSIS 3.0 features enabling network operators to cost effectively offer highly scalable broadband services such as IPTV, video-over-IP, interactive gaming, as well as traditional broadband access and VoIP services.
Due to its extremely compact size (15 in x 8.75 in x 1RU), the C1G can be easily deployed by network operators in remote locations such as Multi-dwelling Units (MDU), hotels and motels (hospitality), and rural locations.
The C1G supports 1 downstream QAM port, 2 DOCSIS upstream ports, and 2 GbE (SFP) network ports. Configurations for the C1G range from 2DS x 2US up to 8DS x 8US. Additional features supported are; upstream and downstream channel bonding; AES encryption/decryption; Quality of Service (QoS); and a rich IP feature set.
The C1G’s revolutionary compact size and cost per-bit of DOCSIS bandwidth provides an unprecedented opportunity for network operators to cost-effectively provision highly scalable broadband services to locations that were thought to be cost ineffective.

Casa Systems C1G DOSCIS 3.0 series CMTS


The C1G CMTS comes in a compact 38.1cm x 22.2cm x 1RU (15 in x 8.75 in x 1RU) chassis that provides operators the maximum flexibility in deploying cost-effective solutions. The C1G is a complete CMTS solution with 1 downstream QAM port, 2 DOCSIS upstream ports, and 2 GbE (SFP) network ports.
The C1G can scale from a 2DS x 2US to an 8DS x 8US configuration as your subscriber base grows. Channels can be added remotely by simply activating license keys.
In the downstream direction for Annex A, the C1G provides from 100 Mbps to 400 Mbps of bandwidth. When using Annex B, the C1G delivers from 80 Mbps to 320 Mbps of bandwidth in the downstream direction. On the upstream link, The C1G supports up to 2 logical channels per physical channel.


  • DOCSIS 3.0 compliant. Multi-channel DRFI RF for Annex A, B, & C, downstream channel bonding up to 8 channels, upstream channel bonding up to 8 channels, IPv6, AES encryption/decryption, multicast QoS, bonded channel multicast, full DOCSIS 3.0 MIBs, and IPDR
  • Extremely compact form factor at 38.1 cm x 22.2cm x 1RU (15 in x 8.75 in x 1.75 in)
  • Delivers Industries lowest cost per DOCSIS 3.0 channel for this class of product, delivering an economical solution for high bandwidth multimedia applications
  • Upgrade remotely by adding channels through SW license keys
  • Best multi-channel RF performance, exceeds DOCSIS DRFI specification Extended downstream frequency range up to 1GHz (48~1002MHz)
  • Complete DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0 feature sets; PacketCable and PCMM support, L2VPN, and DSG
  • Rich operational features such as show cable modem, flap list, spectral management and IP bundling ready for deployment

петак, 26. април 2013.

Cisco MPLS - Linkom-PC pomaže M&H Company da poraste u "superprovajdera"

Linkom-PC pomaže M&H Company da poraste u "superprovajdera"

Firma iz Sarajeva dobiće najsavremenije Cisco Systems® MPLS rešenje

Linkom-PC implementacija  Cisco MPLS (IP/Multiprotocol Label Switching) rešenja će učiniti M&H Company  provajderom sledeće generacije koji može da zadovolji i najzahtevnije korisnike. Ovaj sistem omogućava lakše ugovaranje i podešavanje peering veza između dve ili više lokacija. M&H Company će zahvaljujući ovom Linkom-PC projektu postati jedan od interprovajdera koji nudi end-to-end rešenja, multimedijalni IP transport, sa uključenim QoS (Quality of Service) i CoS (Class of Serivce) mogućnostima. 
Direktor Linkom-PC, kompanije koja implementira ovaj projekat, Miodrag Ilić, kaže: „Za nas je ovo velika čast i odgovornost. M&H grupacija je vodeći kablovski operater u BiH. Ovom implementacijom omogućićemo mu da svojim korisnicima nudi visoko pouzdane usluge interkonekcije, sa uključenimmulticasttraffic engineering, i load-balancing mogućnostima, što je korak napred za čitavo tržište."
„Do sada smo bili uspešni nudeći običan IP saobraćaj zasnovan na najnovijim Cisco Systems® rešenjima, a sada ćemo biti u prilici da zadovoljimo i najzahtevnije upite od najamibicioznijih korisnika", izjavio je tim povodom Enes Hajdarević, predsednik grupacije M&H.
Ovo je nastavak uspešne saradnje za Linkom-PC. M&H Company koristi najkvalitetnija Cisco Systems rešenja već pet godina. U sklopu ovog najnovijeg projekta biće uvedeno, pored ostalog, i potpuno dupliranje (full redundance) svih bitnih uređaja u mreži, kao i prelazak na IPv6.
„Ovaj sistem je savršena platforma za ambicioznu kompaniju poput M&H Company. Njihovi korisnici mogu da očekuju sve blagodeti koje donose end-to-end konekcije, imaće najkvalitetniju uslugu na jednom mestu, bez komplikacija. To će sigurno omogućiti širenje na čitavu jednu novu generaciju ambicioznih poslovnih korisnika", kaže Miodrag Ilić iz kompanije Linkom-PC.
Za još informacija o ovoj temi kontaktirajte nas na  miodrag@linkompc.com

„M&H" Company
Kompanija za pružanje telekomunikacijskih usluga „M&H" Company d.o.o. je deo „HS" grupe, jedna od vodećih telekomunikacijskih kompanija u Bosni Hercegovini i nudi kablovsku televiziju,digitalnu televiziju I kablovski internet kao i fiksnu telefoniju. „M&H" Company generiše  široki raspon usluga za poslovne klijente I pravna lica.

Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) je vodeća svetska kompanija u oblasti računarskih mreža koja transformiše način na koji se ljudi povezuju, komuniciraju i sarađuju. Informacije o kompaniji Cisco mogu se naći na adresihttp://www.cisco.com .

Zahvaljujući velikom iskustvu u IT i telekomunikacionom segmentu, danas je Linkom-PC  postao lider u razvoju i distribuciji profesionalnih IT I telekomunikacionih rešenja, širom našeg regiona.

четвртак, 24. јануар 2013.

Inverto TV Professional MPEG4/H.264 (AVC) HD Encoder and Transcoder

Inverto TV Professional MPEG4/H.264 (AVC) HD Encoder and Transcoder

Inverto TV IDLV-5100EC is a high quality single program high definition MPEG4/H.264 (AVC) encoder/trans-coder. It has a wide range of digital/analog base band video and audio inputs which include CVBS, HD-SDI, HDMI, YPbPr and stereo audio.

The IDLV-5100EC can receive and encode an SD or HD TV into a Transport Stream (TS) with MPEG4/H.264 compression or trans-code an MPEG-2 TS into MPEG-4/H.264 (AVC) TS. In trans-coding mode, the digital audios are looped through and time stamping is automatically implemented to ensure the synchronization between video and audio.

The IDLV-5100EC features a built-in Time Base Correction (TBC) functional block that ensures the stability of encoding process from audio and video intermittence.

The IDLV-5100EC incorporates an internal re-multiplexing function that allows constructing a new TS formed with the TS internally encoded and the TS from ASI or IP input. The multiplexed TS can be multiple SPTS or MPTS over IP, as well as over ASI. This professional cost-optimized encoder/trans-coder with built-in re-multiplexer architecture makes the IDLV-5100EC a unique competitive solution helping network operators, broadcasters and service providers to address the MPEG2 to MPEG4/H.264 migration requirement in today's digital TV broadcast arena.

Video Compression 
Video Resolution1080i (1920/1440×1080) @25Hz, 29.97Hz, 30Hz: SMPTE 292M
720p (1280×720) @50Hz, 59.94Hz, 60Hz: SMPTE 292M
480i (720×480) @29.97Hz: SMPTE 259M
576i (720×576) @25Hz: SMPTE 259M
Compression StandardH.264 (AVC), High Profile Level 4.0
Aspect Ratio4:3 / 16:9 selectable
Chrominance Sampling4:2:0 8bits
Video Encoding Bit Rate2Mb/s-20Mb/s
Recommend Video Encoding Bit Rate1920x1080i /25/29.97/30fps: 6~20Mb/s
1440x1080i /25/29.97/30fps: 5~20Mb/s
1280x720p /50/59.94/60fps: 4~20Mb/s
720x480i /29.97fps: 2~10Mb/s
720x576i /25fps: 2~10Mb/s
Audio Compression 
Audio InputEmbedded Audio from HDMI or SDI, Analog audio
Compression StandardMPEG-1 Layer II
Audio ModeStereo, Joint Stereo, Dual Mono, Mono
Audio Sampling Rate48KHz
Audio Compression Bit Rate32 ~ 384Kb/s
Audio/Video Input 
Analog Audio1×D-sub 9 Female male connectors with XLR balance (L/R) adaptor cables as standard accessory
Analog CVBS1×BNC Female, 75Ω
SD-SDI1×BNC Female, 75Ω
YPbPr3×BNC Female, 75Ω
HDMI1×HDMI 1.3 standard type
ASI Input 
Connector Type1×BNC Female, 75Ω
Input Bit Rate≤ 100Mb/s
Packet ModeByte
Packet Length188/204 Bytes
TS Processing 
TS Input ManagementRemux and demux between ASI input and the SPTS encoded
TS Output ManagementRemux and demux for mirrored ASI outputs
Service and PID managementFiltering and remapping
PSI/SIPSI/SI table regeneration, NIT and SDT edition
TS over IP 
Connector Type1×RJ-45, 10/100 Base-T
Useful Bit Rate70Mb/s
ProtocolUDP, RTP/UDP, Multicast, Unicast, IGMPv2, ARP
SourceAny one from Built-in Re-mux, ASI input & Encoder output
ASI Output 
Connector Type2×BNC Female, 75Ω
Output Bit Rate≤ 99Mb/s
Packet Length188 / 204 Bytes
Signal Level800mVpp±10%
SourceAny one from Built-in Re-mux, ASI input & Encoder output
Control & Monitoring 
Connector Type1×RJ-45, 10/100 Base-T
Remote ControlSNMP, HTTP Web interface, HDMS - a proprietary PC software tool
Local ControlLCD display and 6-key keypad
Software UpgradeBuilt-in FTP loader and Telnet
Net weight3.2Kg
Power supplyAC90 ~ 250V, 50Hz/60Hz
Power ConsumptionMaximum 20W
Operating Temperature    0 ~ 45℃
Storage Temperature-10 ~ 60℃
Humidity10 ~ 90%, non-condensed

satelitski risiveri
satelitski risiveri

среда, 23. јануар 2013.

Pace DC840, HD STB, Conax

Pace DC840, HD STB, Conax

PACE DC840, HD STB, is a digital, high resolution decoder intended for the cable market with a built in Conax conditional access card reader. DC840 OH decodes both streams MPEG2 and MPEG4 while maintaining high standards of video and audio signals. The device has an intuitive menu system and attractive graphics, high-resolution screen that simplifies configuration and hardware support (advanced middleware Pace). The device is characterized by extremely low power consumption in Standby mode (< 1W), additionally has a function for setting the time after which it will automatically turn off when not in use. Electronic Program Guide (EPG) can be displayed in 30 different languages, showing information about the available programs for the next 7 days. The decoder has a very fast switching time between the sites (about 3 seconds) and the short time needed to boot after a power outage (approximately 30 seconds). It is very easy to install and configure.


  • HDMI ver. 1.3 with HDCP
  • Internal memory 256 MB SDRAM and 128 MB NAND Flash
  • Meet the highest standards of content security (Conax Level 3)
  • Supports MPEG4 and MPEG2
  • Optical Dolby Digital AC3 audio
  • Support for 7-day EPG
  • HDMI, SCART, composite video, S / PDIF (optical)

Cisco EPC 3010 kablovski modem

Cisco EPC 3010 kablovski modem



  • Eight (8) bonded downstream channels with data rates in excess of 440 Mbps
  • Four (4) bonded upstream channels with data rates in excess of 120 Mbps
  • Compliant with EuroDOCSIS 3.0, 2.0, 1.1, and 1.0 standards to deliver high-end 
  • performance and reliability


  • Bridged 1000/100/10 Mbps Ethernet port with Auto-negotiate and Auto-MDIX and USB 2.0 data port
  • Support for up to 64 users (1 USB port user and up to 63 users on user-supplied Ethernet hubs)

Design and Function

  • DOCSIS-5 compliant LED labeling and behavior provides a user- and technician-friendly method to check operational status and act as a troubleshooting tool
  • TR-068 compliant color-coded interface ports and corresponding cables simplify installation and setup
  • Updated GUI with intuitive "Cisco Consumer Guidelines" webpage design
  • Dual-color LED provides an informative and easy-to-understand display to indicate operational status, including channel bonded and non-channel bonded operation, CPE data link rates, and real-time data transmission activity ● Attractive, compact design and versatile orientation to stand vertically, lie flat on the desktop or shelf, or mount easily on a wall
  • Rugged electronic components for long-term reliability


  • Allows automatic software upgradeable by network download
  • Remote manageability using SNMP V1/V2 and V3

Cisco EPC 3008 kablovski modem

Cisco EPC 3008 kablovski modem


  • Eight (8) bonded downstream channels with data rates in excess of 440 Mbps
  • Four (4) bonded upstream channels with data rates in excess of 120 Mbps
  • Designed to meet EuroDOCSIS 3.0 specifications as well as backward compatibility with existing EuroDOCSIS 2.0, 1.1 and 1.0 networks
  • EuroDOCSIS compliant support for IPv6/IPv4
  • Expanded tuning range, 108-1002 MHz

Embedded Digital Voice Adapter

  • Two-line embedded digital voice adapter for wired telephony service
  • Toll-quality, high-compression, and high-fidelity (exceeding toll quality) CODEC options


  • 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet port with Auto-negotiate and Auto-MDIX
  • Support for up to 64 users


  • Software upgradeable by network download
  • Remote manageability using SNMP V1/V2 and V3 
  • Software and Documentation
  • CD-ROM containing user guides

Inverto IDLV-5100P Professional Multi-format SD/HD Integrated Receiver Decoder

Inverto IDLV-5100P Professional Multi-format SD/HD Integrated Receiver Decoder

Inverto IDLV-5100P is the latest generation of Inverto's professional HDTV IRDs (receivers with integrated decoder). This device offers you a rich set of interfaces and capabilities. It supports AC-3 channels pass-through over SDI, AES-EBU and one AC3 channel pass-through or down-mixed PCM audio over HDMI. Moreover, IDLV-5100P supports 32K, 44.1K and 48K audio sampling rate. It complies with MPEG-4 (AVC high profile level 4.1) and MPEG-2 (MP@ML & MP@HL) standards. The IDLV-5100P supports various tuners and interfaces for receiving DVB-T2*, DVB-S2/S, DVB-C, DVB-T, TS-over-IP, and ASI input. As the receiver is equipped with two CI slots, you can receive programs of diffrent pay TV suppliers with the respective professional CAM modules. A descrambled stream is delivered directly to the ASI output ports, to the built-in re-multiplexer and to the IP output port. At the same time the decoded video is routed via HDMI output, via SDI with embedded audio, via YPbPr component interface and via CVBS. The built-in re-multiplexer receives transport streams from the tuner, one of the two ASI inputs, or input, and the descrambled stream from the CI slot. Through individiual structure of the PSI/SI tables you can configure the output stream the way you want. Moreover, there´s full support of: PCR re-mapping, re-use the original NIT or generating a new NIT, modifications of TS parameters such as TSID, Network ID, and ONID. You can monitor and control the IRD via its web-based interface, HDMS (SNMP based network management software) or over the front panel.

Main features:

• Factory optional for DVB-T2, DVB-S2/S, DVB-C, DVB-T Reception
• MPEG-2(MP@ ML& MP@HL) and MPEG 4 Part 10 (AVC high profile level 4.1)
• Wide choice of I/O Interfaces including ASI Input/Output, CVBS Output, YPbPr Output, HDMI Output, SD/HD-SDI Output (embedded with up to 2 Audio Stereo Pairs), AES/EBU Output, 10/100M or 1Gbps TS over IP Input/Output (optional), DS3 Interface (optional)
• Built-in Re-Multiplexer
• BISS 1 or BISS E Decryption
• Dynamic PMT Detection and Automatic Update
• WSS Support • Closed Caption Support
• 10/100M Ethernet TSoIP I/O, supporting Gigabit Ethernet Daughter Board
• UDP and RTP for TS over IP I/O
• DVB and IPTV Mode IP Output
• Unicast and Multicast Support
• Remote Control, Management and Monitoring over Web-based Interface, HDMC Software and SNMP
• Two DVB-CI Slots
DVB-S2 Demodulation  
Input Frequency Range 950~2150MHz 
Input Level - 25 ~ - 65 dBm 
Input Impedance 75 Ω 
Symbol Rate 2 ~ 45 MBaud/s for QPSK, 2 ~ 45 MBaud/s for 8PSK 
Roll Off Factor 0.35 for QPSK
 0.35,0.25,0.2 for DVB-S2 
Punctured Rates DVB-S QPSK:1/2,3/5,2/3,3/4,4/5,5/6,8/9,8/10 DVB-S2 8PSK:3/5,2/3,3/4,5/6,8/9,9/10 
LNB Power13 V, 18 V or Off, 22 KHz On/Off
DiSEqC DiSEqC 1.0 
DVB-C QAM Demodulation  
Tuner Input Symbol Rate 1~ 7 MBaud(ITU J.83 Annex A) 
Bandwidth 6 MHz or 7 MHz or 8 MHz 
Input Frequency 48 ~ 860 MHz 
Input Level 45 ~ 75 dBuV 
Input Impedance 75 Ω, F-Female
Input Return Loss 7 dB (typ.) 
DVB-T COFDM Demodulation  
Bandwidth6 MHz/7 MHz/8 MHz 
FFT mode 2 K/8 K (auto recognized with TPS) 
Guard Interval ¼,1/8,1/16,1/32,off (auto recognized with TPS) 
FEC code rate ½,2/3,3/4,5/6,7/8 (auto recognized with TPS) 
Input Frequency 174 ~ 230 MHz (VHF)
 470 ~ 862 MHz (UHF)
Input Level - 20 ~ - 70 dBm (Quasi Error Free, QEF) 
Input Impedance 75 Ω, F-Female, 
Input Return Loss 7 dB (typ.) 
DVB-T2 COFDM Demodulation  
Demodulation QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM 
Bandwidth 6 MHz/7 MHz/8 MHz 
FFT mode 1 K, 2 K, 4 K, 8 K, 16 K, 32 K (auto recognized with TPS) 
Guard Interval 1/4, 5/32, 1/8, 5/64, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128 (auto recognized with TPS) 
FEC code rate 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6 (auto recognized with TPS) 
Input Frequency 174 ~ 230 MHz (VHF)
470 ~ 862 MHz (UHF)
Input Level - 20 ~  - 70 dBm (Quasi Error Free, QEF) 
Input Connector F-Female with BNC Adaptor 
Input Impedance 75 Ω 
Input Return Loss 8 dB (typ.) 
MPEG TS over IP I/O  
Ethernet Connector RJ45, 10/100M or 100/1000M, for TS over IP (optional)
Max. Bit Rate 70 Mbits/s 
Protocol UDP / RTP, Multicast / Unicast, IGMPv2, ARP 
Common Interface  
Connector Type Double-deck PCMCIA, compatible with 3.3V or 5V CAMs 
Input interface  
Front End Tuner IN 1x Input, 1x Loop Through Output 
ASI IN 2× 75 Ω, BNC Female
Output interface  
ASI OUT 2×2 75 Ω, BNC Female, 2 redundant pairs 
SDI/HD-SDI OUT 2×   75 Ω, BNC Female, SDI/HD-SDI, identical for backup
 SDI (SD): SMPTE 259M, Embedded Audio - SMPTE272M
 HD-SDI: SMPTE 292M, Embedded Audio - SMPTE299M
HDMI 1x HDMI 1.3 Interface 
YPbPr 1x Set of 3× 75 Ω RCA
CVBS 1× RCA , 1× 75 Ω BNC  
AES/EBU2× 9-pins D-sub connectors, AES/EBU and XRL Adaptors, 110 Ω (balanced)
Analog Audio2×2 RCA, two Sets of independent Audio Outputs, 600 Ω (balanced), configurable as Stereo, Dual Mono, Single Left, Single Right
Serial Port 1×RS-232 9-pin D-sub, debug only 
Ethernet Connector 1×RJ45, 10/100M, for Network Management 
 1×RJ45, 10/100M or 100/1000M, for TS over IP (optional)
Audio / Video Decoding  
Video Decompression Type HP@L4, MP@ L3, MP@ML (H.264Part 10) 
Audio Decompression Type Mpeg-1 Layer II Audio, (Stereo/Musicam i.e. Single and Mono Stereo and Joint Stereo), Digital AAC (HE v1 and v2, LE MODE) Decoding, DolbyAC-3 Pass Through
Output Video Formats 
SDI 1080i 30, 1080i 29.97, 1080i 25, 720p 60, 
 720p 59.94, 720p 50, 576i 25, 480i 29.97, 
HDMI 1080i 30, 1080i 29.97, 1080i 25, 720p 60, 720p 59.94, 
 720p 50, 480p 60, 576p 50, 576i 25, 480i 29.97 
YPbPr 1080i 30, 1080i 29.97, 1080i 25, 720p 60, 720p 59.94, 
 720p 50, 480p 60, 576p 50, 576i 25, 480i 29.97 
Ethernet Connector RJ45,10/100M, for NMS and Software Upgrade 
Protocol SNMP, TCP/IP, HTTP 
Front Panel Control LCD Display and 6-key Keypad 
Power Supply 90 ~ 260 V AC,50/60 Hz 
Power Consumption 24 W 
Operating Temperature 0 ~ + 45°C 
Storage Temperature - 10 ~  + 50 °C
Operating Humidity 20 ~ 90%, non-condensing 
Dimensions 44 mm × 483 mm × 255 mm
Approx. Weight 5 kg

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