среда, 18. јун 2014.

Zaboravite na sve probleme u mreži – održavanje Cisco opreme

Kompanija Linkom-PC vrši održavanja Cisco opremeUsluge održavanja i podrške se odnose kako na nove uređaje, koji su u garantnom roku, tako i na uređaje van garantnog roka, kao i za uređaje koje više nije moguće poručiti ili kupiti (End of Sale).
Mnogim našim partnerima i korisnicima, mi predlažemo i implementiramo mrežna rešenja, kao podršku za razvoj njihovog biznisa. Naša rešenja su bazirana na optimalnom izboru opreme, kao i raznovrsnom portfoliu usluga implementacije, a sve u funkciji iznalaženja najfleksibilnijeg rešenja, kojim bi kompanija – korisnik maksimizovala vrednost svoje investicije.
Sa nekoliko fleksibilnih paketa usluga održavanja, trudimo se predložimo rešenje, koje će vam uštedeti novac, u poređenju sa izborima kod drugih ponuđača. Možete izabrati rešenja, koja su bazirana na održavanju i podršci proizvođača, rešenja koja čine dopunu na ponude održavanja proizvođača, ili rešenja, koja su potpuno nezavisna od podrške proizvođača. Ovakav izbor obezbeđuje izuzetan nivo podrške i nudi pokrivenost za većinu proizvoda u vašoj mrežnoj infrastrukturi. Naša prilagođena rešenja odgovaraju i različitim industrijskim segmentima u kojima posluju naši klijenti. Ako je IT osoblje vaše kompanije u potrazi za alternativama u podršci za mrežnu opremu, mi smo sigurni da imamo pravu kombinaciju i rešenja, koja će se uklopiti sa vašim potrebama.

resenja mrezna oprema cisco mrezna oprema aktuelnosti  odrzavanje Cisco opreme Dejan Stojanovic Linkom PC 300x238 Zaboravite na sve probleme u mreži   održavanje Cisco opreme
Uvek uzimajući u obzir Vaše specifične zahteve, mi ćemo kreirati prilagođeno rešenje bazirano na vašim potrebama, resursima, tehničkim i budžetskim zahtevima.

Održavanje i podrška za Cisco opremu je naša specijalnost!

Linkom-PC je Cisco Select Partner sa odgovarajućim prodajnim i tehničkim timom. Mi smo posvećeni malim i srednjim preduzećima, kao i svim ostalim zainteresovanim kompanijama i organizacijama, u rešavanju najsloženijih mrežnih problemaSa našim fleksibilnim paketima za održavanje Cisco mrežne opreme, zaboravite na sve probleme.
Spisak osnovnih paketa održavanja Cisco opreme:

LEVEL I (24X7X4)

  • pristup sa detaljima ugovora o održavanju centru za održavanje, 24 sata na dan, 7 dana u nedelji, 365 dana u godini
  • isporuka zamenskog uređaja na lokaciju korisnika u roku od 4 sata (samo na određenim lokacijama)
  • sistem inženjer za kontakt


  • pristup sa detaljima ugovora o održavanju centru za održavanje, radnim danima od 09:00-17:00, ponedeljak – petak
  • isporuka zamenskog uređaja na lokaciju korisnika narednog radnog dana (NRD)
  • sistem inženjer za kontakt


  • pristup sa detaljima ugovora o održavanju centru za održavanje, radnim danima od 09:00-17:00, ponedeljak – petak
  • urgentna zamena neispravne opreme (u roku od 4 h, na određenim lokacijama u Beogradu)
  • na lokacijama na kojima nije moguće isporučiti uređaj u roku od 4 sata, isporuka je moguća putem kurirske službe, narednog poslovnog dana


Linkom-PC je Cisco Select Partner i može ponuditi sve pakete Cisco’s SMARTnet® održavanja, kao i sve vrste dopune i nadogradnje SMARTnet® paketa. Neka od naših alternativnih rešenja predstavljaju pravi izbor,zbog mnogo manje cene i nižih troškova održavanja.

Naš cilj je: pravo rešenje – zadovoljan korisnik

Naš cilj je veoma jednostavan – predložiti i ponuditi pravo rešenje zaodržavanje Cisco opreme, za svakog korisnika, biti fleksibilan i pomoći svakom korisniku sa nižom cenom, a boljom uslugom.
  • Naš cilj je da imamo pravo rešenje za svakog korisnika, bilo da je to Cisco ® SMARTnet, ili alternativa.
resenja mrezna oprema cisco mrezna oprema aktuelnosti  odrzavanje Cisco opreme Miodrag Ilic Linkom PC 300x218 Zaboravite na sve probleme u mreži   održavanje Cisco opreme

петак, 6. децембар 2013.

Network Trening Centar

Network Trening Centar

Svakom je jasno, u vremenu u kome živimo, da je nepohodnost stalnog usavršavanja i unapređivanja stečenog znanja, najveći izazov za svakog zaposlenog.
Internet, nove IKT tehnologije, Cloud Computing, korišćenje društvenih mreža u poslovne svrhe, postale su generator novih radnih mesta za kompetentne stručnjake. IKT tehnologije i njihova implementacija, u svim vrstama privrednih subjekata, danas je nužnost, a ne potreba.

Network Trening Centar je pravi odgovor na ovako složene zahteve. Koncipiran je tako, da stvori uslove da se svaki polaznik potpuno osposobi da, kroz praktične i složene vežbe, usvoji i prepozna rešavanje složenih problema i usavrši analitičke veštine.
Kroz jasne i praktične vežbe, postižu se zadati ciljevi:  kako instalirati, upravljati i održavati složene mrežne sisteme. Ovakav pristup, daje polaznicima sveobuhvatna znanja o vrstama i načinima umrežavanja, u rangu od osnovnih, do naprednih aplikacija i servisa. Takođe, ovo omogućava budućim polaznicima, da se pripreme za konstantnu edukaciju i profesionalnu karijeru u IKT segmentu.

Trening lab je zasnovan na opremi Cisco Systems, i sadrži: Cisco UCS C22 M3 server, CISCO2801-AC-IP, Cisco WS-C3560-12PC-S, Cisco WS-C2950-24, ASA5510-BUN-K9. Program Network Trening Centra omogućava sticanje praktičnih znanja za polaganje ispita CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional), kako Switching & Routing, tako i Security sadržaji. Osim programski određenih treninga za mrežne profesionalce, Network Trening Centar ima i fleksibilnost da zainteresovanim kompanijama ponudi potpuno prilagođenje treninge, njihovim potrebama i zahtevima.
Detaljniji upiti i inofmacije na mail info[at]linkompc.com, ili na telefon +381 11 414 03 01.

уторак, 19. новембар 2013.

”Linkom-PC” organizuje tehničke prezentacije “Casa Systems” rešenja

”Linkom-PC” organizuje tehničke prezentacije “Casa Systems” rešenja

“Casa Systems CMTS” (“Cable Modem Termination System)” rešenja predstavljaju tehnologiju, koja objedinjuje funkcionalnosti za video-over-MPEG i video-over-IP, u samo jednoj platformi, koja je po ceni daleko niža, u poređenju sa prethodnim tehnologijama, kažu u kompaniji “Linkom PC”.

Ovakvo objedinjavanje tehnologija obezbeđuje samo jednu platformu za upravljanje HFC spektra i resursa za sve digitalne usluge, kao i jednostavan prelazak sa jedne na drugu arhitekturu, i to bez skupih troškova nadogradnje.
“Casa Systems CMTS” rešenja omogućavaju sve funkcionalne komponente potrebne za: digital broadcast, digital simucast, switched digital video, kao i unicast usluge.
“Linkom PC”, Beograd, poseduje demo uređaj “Casa Systems”, model C3200, i organizuje tehičke workshop prezentacije, za zainteresovane korisnike. Više informacija na mail info@linkompc.com.

среда, 16. октобар 2013.

Casa Systems C100G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C100G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


CCAP is here!  Casa’s C100G next generation, highly available, fully redundant, I-CCAP platform enables MSOs to deploy MPEG video, IPTV, and DOCSIS over a single port.  The C100G delivers the industry’s highest CCAP density while consuming the lowest average power per channel, minimizing both expenses and space requirements in the cable head end.
The C100G platform consists of the following new modules: downstream module (DS8X96); switching module (SMM8X10G); and the existing upstream module (US16X4).  With the introduction of this platform, Casa continues to lead the way by providing solutions with the greatest capacity in the industry.  The platform currently supports over 8,000 downstream channels. This platform solution, combined with Casa’s time-tested and unique Software Defined Cable Architecture (SDCA) allows the company to quickly adapt to new features and functionality.


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels
The C100G has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.
Highest Channel Density
 The C100 Gcan support over 8000 downstream or over 1500 upstream QAM channels in a single chassis. This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.
Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features The C100G has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set of any 13 RU chassis on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic and upstream traffic.
The C100G revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform.

Casa Systems C100G


  • Full CCAP functionality ina integrated platform
  • Highly available, fully redundant
  • Industry leading density and capacity
  • Supports over 8000 downstream channels in a single platform 
  • Enables Digital Video, IPTV, and DOCSIS with a single platformle 
  • The highest channel density per 13RU space in the industry with the lowest power consumption per channel
  • Delivers the best Total Cost of Ownership in the industry

Casa Systems C10G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C10G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


The Casa Systems C10G Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) combines a third-generation Data Over Cable Interface Service Specification (DOCSIS) system into one powerful 12RU platform.
Offer More Must-Have Services at a Lower Cost With its DOCSIS 3.0 capabilities, the C10G provides increased flexibility and downstream density at a dramatically lower cost per channel than the first two generations of DOCSIS devices. It’s also more cost-effective for handling the high-bandwidth applications today’s subscribers demand (e.g. IPTV and video-over-IP delivery).


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels Unlike the traditional CMTS, which has a fixed downstream-to-upstream ratio, the C10G has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.
Higher Channel Density The C10G can support up to 704 downstream or 704 upstream QAM channels in a single 12RU chassis. This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.
Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features The C10G has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic (64 channels) and upstream traffic (64 channels). It is fully compliant with CableLabs DOCSIS 3.0 specification and offers advanced AES encryption and IPv6 support.
The C10G’s revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform. The C10G’s flexibility eliminates the deployment of costly parallel systems for IPTV bypass and DOCSIS broadband access.

Casa Systems C10G


  • Channel bonding up to 64 downstream and 64 upstream channels
  • AES encryption and IPv6 support for cable modems
  • The highest channel density per 12RU space in the industry
  • Separate downstream and upstream modules for flexible downstream-to-upstream ratios
  • DOCSIS DRFI specification qualified for multi-channel QAM output, and designed with extended frequency range up to 1 Ghz
  • The lowest cost per channel in the industry

Casa Systems C3200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C3200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


The Casa Systems C3200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) combines a third-generation Data Over Cable Interface Service Specification (DOCSIS) system into one powerful 3RU platform.
Representing a new class of cable edge device, the C3200 is the first 3RU platform to earn full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 specification from CableLabs.
Offer More Must-Have Services at a Lower Cost
With its DOCSIS 3.0 capabilities, the C3200 provides increased flexibility and downstream density at a dramatically lower cost per channel than the first two generations of DOCSIS devices. It’s also more cost-effective for handling the high-bandwidth applications today’s subscribers demand (e.g. IPTV and video-over-IP delivery).


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels
Unlike the traditional CMTS, which has a fixed downstream-to-upstream ratio, the C3200 has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.
Higher Channel Density
The C3200 can support up to 80 downstream or 80 upstream QAM channels in a single 3RU chassis. (In contrast, the comparable second-generation CMTS typically handles only three to six downstream channels.) This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.

Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features

The C3200 has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set of any 3RU CMTS on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic (16 channels) and upstream traffic (16 channels). Qualified by CableLabs as a full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 platform, it also offers advanced AES encryption and IPv6 support.
The C3200′s revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform. The C3200′s flexibility eliminates the deployment of costly parallel systems for IPTV bypass and DOCSIS broadband access.

Casa Systems C3200


  • Channel bonding up to 16 downstream and 16 upstream channels
  • AES encryption and IPv6 support for cable modems
  • The highest channel density per 3RU space in the industry
  • Separate downstream and upstream modules for flexible downstream-to-upstream ratios
  • DOCSIS DRFI specification qualified for multi-channel QAM output, and designed with extended frequency range up to 1 Ghz
  • The lowest cost per channel in the industry

понедељак, 1. јул 2013.

Casa Systems C2200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)

Casa Systems C2200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)


The Casa Systems C2200 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) combines a third-generation Data Over Cable Interface Service Specification (DOCSIS) system into one powerful 1RU platform.
Representing a new class of cable edge device, the C2200 is the first 1RU platform to earn full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 specification from CableLabs.

Offer More Must-Have Services at a Lower Cost

With its DOCSIS 3.0 capabilities, the C2200 provides increased flexibility and downstream density at a dramatically lower cost per channel than the first two generations of DOCSIS devices. It’s also more cost-effective for handling the high-bandwidth applications today’s subscribers demand (e.g. IPTV and video-over-IP delivery).
Casa Systems c2200 docsis 3 0 series CMTS


Separate Downstream and Upstream Channels

Unlike the traditional CMTS, which has a fixed downstream-to-upstream ratio, the C2200 has separate modules for downstream and upstream traffic in one physical chassis. Now multiple system operators (MSOs) can provision downstream and upstream channels independently, managing the different traffic patterns of business users versus residential subscribers. Our product’s flexible architecture enables MSOs to easily allocate more downstream traffic for IPTV and video-over-IP.

Higher Channel Density

The C2200 can support up to 48 downstream or 48 upstream QAM channels in a single chassis. (In contrast, the comparable second-generation CMTS typically handles only one or two downstream channels.) This significant increase in downstream channel density makes providing video-over-IP service economically viable today.

Industry-Leading DOCSIS 3.0 Features

The C2200 has the most extensive DOCSIS 3.0 feature set of any 1RU chassis on the market. It provides the highest channel bonding capability for downstream traffic (16 channels) and upstream traffic (16 channels). Qualified by CableLabs as a full gold-level DOCSIS 3.0 platform, it also offers advanced AES encryption
The C2200′s revolutionary DOCSIS bandwidth capacity and low cost-per-bit enables MSOs to cost-effectively provision IPTV or video-over-IP and interactive gaming along with traditional broadband access, VoIP and interactive services with one platform. The C2200′s flexibility eliminates the deployment of costly parallel systems for IPTV bypass and DOCSIS broadband access.


  • Channel bonding up to 16 downstream and 16 upstreamchannels
  • AES encryption for cable modems
  • The highest channel density per 1RU space in the industry
  • Separate downstream and upstream modules for flexible downstream-to-upstream ratios
  • DOCSIS DRFI specification qualified for multi-channel QAM output, and designed with extended frequency range up to 1 Ghz
  • The lowest cost per channel in the industry